Sunday, January 9, 2011

January Relief Society Meeting Night

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!  Now that the scheduling bugs for the building are hopefully worked out we have a date for our January meeting.

Health and Fitness
Wednesday, January 26
7:00 in the cultural hall

We will be having a guest speaker come and talk to us about little things we can change to make our eating habits healthier.  Then we have Benja coming to do yoga with us.  Everyone will be able to participate wether you are on the floor doing exactly what she says, or you are learning new breathing techniques from a chair.  Wear comfortable clothes and bring a blanket or mat to sit on for the yoga.  We will then have some healthy snacks to end our night.  Please come and have an enjoyable night with us.

After this night our Relief Society Meeting night will be the 4th Thursday of every month.  Mark your calendars and come and get to know the sisters in our ward.

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